
Anglicus Women's Academy Pt. 1

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Molly crossed her arms and looked around anxiously, trying to ignore all the eyes on her. But of course, nearly everyone who walked past Molly as she leaned against the depot for support stared at her. Some people moved their gaze away immediately and a subtle look of discomfort showed on their face. Some tried to look normal but were clearly looking at Molly in their peripherals, no doubt seeing her as they walked toward her and formulated a game plan on the way. And others looked directly at her, keeping their head turned the entire time they walked past, mouth open in shock. A few men and women even turned around and continued staring after passing Molly.

But they weren't really staring "at" her, in Molly's mind. They were staring at her belly. And how could she blame them?

Finally, Molly's ride pulled up, a low hum emanating from the van as it made contact with its depot. "MOLLY O'DONNELL?" The robotic voice said as the passenger side window rolled down.

"Yes, that's me," Molly said, leaning forward in one big push to get herself off the wall. After all, there was a lot of weight in front of her to overcome. But once forward, Molly found it hard to balance once again and stumbled forward, barely keeping one hand on her suitcase.

"DO YOU NEED ANY ASSISTANCE?" the mechanical chauffeur said. Molly had never used OAA before (the school said it would pay for this ride) and was curious how the robot taxi would actually help her, but with a crowd already gathering, she didn't want to add to her embarrassment anymore. With another heave, Molly tried to make it all the way to the van on her own, losing her balance three-quarters of the way there due to turbulence.

"No no no!" Molly gasped in a whispered whine, resting one hand on her gigantic belly. "Don't start kicking now!" As she lurched forward, she was stopped by her belly pressing against the passenger side door, propping her upright. "Thank goodness it's so firm," Molly sighed.

"She made it," one of the onlookers murmured to his friend, elbowing her gently. "I'd heard they were strong."

"That's just a rumor," she groaned. "Look at her. It looks like her stomach's about to snap her in half."

Molly could hear them and her face turned red as she wobbled around, opening the backseat door and trying to stuff her luggage in. "WOULD YOU PREFER I OPEN THE TRUNK?"

"No, this is fine," Molly said, crawling inside and trying to turn and get comfortable as the van closed the door behind her automatically. Even in this huge van, Molly only barely fit in the roomy backseat, thanks to her large pregnant middle. 

"NEXT STOP: ANGLICUS WOMEN'S ACADEMY," the mechanical driver said the steering wheel turned on its own back toward the street. "AND THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING OTTO, THE AUTO AUTO COMPANY."

Molly groaned as she tried to lean forward and tap the panel in front of her. She had her choice of "driver personalities" and "Default Droid" was not doing it for her. Molly looked over the list quickly, even though deep down, she wanted to be alone now more than ever. But OAA was notorious for not allowing a silent option with its robotic drivers, a decision the CEO vociferously made in a very bizarre and tear-filled press conference.

After selecting "Cool Carl," Molly leaned back and tried to get into a position that was, if not comfortable, then the greatest absence of discomfort. "So, Anglicus Women's Academy?" Cool Carl's gentle but deep voice asked. "So you're pregnant?"

"That's right," Molly nodded, looking down at her naked belly, far too large for the button-up shirt and sweater vest the school sent her ahead of time.

"My pressure sensors clued me in," Cool Carl said. "Either that or an entourage is trying to save taxi fare by pretending to be one person." A smokey laugh fluttered out of the car's speakers before it spoke up again. "Doesn't Anglicus have its own bus?"

"I...they told me I wouldn't fit. Imagine that," Molly said with a nervous laugh. "Someone so big, they couldn't fit in a bus meant for ICS students."

"Yeah," Cool Carl said.

"Is it okay if we're just quiet for a while?" Molly asked, moving her hands together, feeling for kicks inside her womb.

OAA drivers were specifically programmed to keep conversation going at the never-explained insistence of their CEO, but Cool Carl was programmed with an added bit of empathy. "Sure," it said. "Want some music?"

"Yes please," Molly said, forcing a little smile as the back seat filled with classical jazz. As she looked out the window, she could see the car drive past shops, parks, and lots of people walking around, enjoying their morning in whatever way they could. And as the OAA turned and the streets got thinner and the buildings were replaced by trees, Molly could feel herself being separated from the world she knew. From now on, she was different.

"You're sure you're okay?" the councilor asked. "We can get you a different seat."

"No, it's fine," Molly said in her tiny, high-pitched voice, smiling despite her discomfort. "Thank you, Mrs. Dermott."

"Please, call me Lara," the councilor smiled back, putting her hands on her desk. "We apologize about the uniform issue, by the way. We'll have a replacement for you...soon."

"At least it's warm out," Molly smiled, looking down at her pasty belly. She wished she'd managed to tan before she got pregnant, not knowing how long her bare skin would be on display to anyone walking by. But any observer could guess that, with her bright orange hair and her last name, Molly O'Donnell did not tan well.

"That's it, try to look on the bright side," Lara said, standing up and putting both hands on her hips. Molly was surprised how quickly she could get up, especially with her own large pregnant belly, totally concealed by her own button-up blouse, now resting on her desk. Molly must have looked more surprised than she thought because Lara chuckled and rested one hand on her belly and began rubbing. "Not used to so much mobility, huh?"

"No, it makes sense," Molly sighed, her big blue eyes settling. "You've gotten used to being pregnant...and you're not as massive."

Lara's smile settled as she glided over to Molly's side of the desk, putting one hand on her shoulder. "Molly, I know it's hard to go through a big ch...a change like this, and I know you may feel additionally unusual given your fecundity-"

"Fecundity?" Molly said, her cheeks turning a little red.

"It's the more acceptable term for 'size' in the ICS community," Lara said, getting back to her original point as she tightened her grip on Molly's shoulder. "I know it's hard at the start, but you are among friends and family now and we're all like you. You'll see that we have very fulfilling lives and Anglicus Women's Academy will be some of the best years of your life." Her smile grew a little as her eyes narrowed. "Besides, being a bigger woman isn't something to be ashamed of. In fact, here, it might-"

A recorded chime rang throughout the school. "First period in five minutes," a monotone voice said. Molly kept her eyes on Lara, desperately wanting to hear the rest of what she was trying to say, but Lara was looking at her desk and sighing.

"That's it for now, but you can come in and see me anytime," Lara said, waddling back to pick up her tablet, tapping it a few times and looking through the holographic charts. "But don't see me when you have class unless it's an emergency. You need to focus on your classes as much as possible since you're entering almost a quarter of the way into the year."

Molly shuddered a bit, not wanting another reminder of the workload she needed to catch up on. The shiver stirred her fetuses again, which made it harder for her to try and get out of the chair designed for a pregnant woman, but not a pregnant woman of her...fecundity.

Lara tapped a panel on her tablet. "Rebecca, could you come here please?" A groan on the other end began to crescendo before Lara hung up. "Until you get used to moving around, we'll have someone from our student morale committee help you out."

The office door, already ajar, swung open and a gorgeous girl with long black hair stuck her head in, flashing her long eyelashes and onyx eyes. "Yes?"

"Meet our newest student, Molly O'Donnell," Lara said as she helped Molly out of the chair and onto her feet. "You'll both be living in the same dormitory, so would you help her around for today?"

Rebecca's eyes scrunched up and her jaw hung limp for a few moments. "Like...tell her about stuff or do you literally mean-"

"Both," Lara said, patting Molly on the back. "Good luck, Molly. You'll do great here. And welcome to the family."

"Yeah, welcome," Rebecca said, rolling her eyes as she stood next to Molly for support, her own much smaller belly touching Molly's. "Now you've got three families: your relatives, your school, and the ones that always keep you up at night with their kicking."

As Rebecca and Molly left the office, it became obvious to Rebecca just how much help Molly needed. Her hips barely moved to support her new pregnant weight and her whole body trembled just to stay together. Molly even lost balance a few times and Rebecca needed to snake her arm around her in a new way to help the ultra-expectant woman stay upright. Eventually, Rebecca got Molly to sling her arm across the experienced student's shoulder while Rebecca got an arm under Molly's armpit.

"You're...totally new to this, aren't you?" Rebecca said, her mask of compassionate support falling to reveal her shock at seeing a woman as large as Molly. "I thought you might have just moved to the U.S. or something. How long have you been pregnant?"

"A week," Molly gulped, looking down at her belly. Although no matter where she looked, 80% of the time, it was always in her line of sight. "Does it get easier?"

"Yeah, just look at me," Rebecca said, giving her own swollen stomach a quick and showy pat. "I'm not exactly petite but I can move around just fine. And you should see our club sports members!" Rebecca stopped when Molly's belly swung back and smacked her twin-carrying belly for the third time. "But...I don't know how it is for girls that are as pregnant as you."

Molly's face turned even redder as Rebecca turned her toward a classroom. Rebecca held out her own tablet to double check before collapsing it back down and stuffing it in her pocket. "Mrs. Dermott sent me your schedule. First period history, here we are."

"Great, thank you," Molly smiled, bracing herself against the doorframe for support as she tried to move forward on her own. Rebecca sighed and looked over the trembling pregnant new girl.

"Actually, I'd better stay with you," Rebecca said, taking Molly's arm again as she helped the redhead into the classroom. "Besides, this will get me out of my boring schedule. I might be nice to shake it up."

As Molly struggled to waddle toward an available desk, the classroom filled with murmurs and gasps. All the other students stared at Molly, a few rubbing their own bellies and quietly being thankful they aren't that big. Or, excuse me, "fecund."

"Alright, alright," the teacher said as she paced around in the front of the classroom. "Settle down. You're Ms. Molly O'Donnell, correct?"

"That's right," Molly said as she tapped the side of the desk, making it whir to life. "Nice to meet you, Professor Greene."

"You too. I trust you did the supplemental readings sent to you before you transferred here," Mrs. Greene said, already looking at her own tablet as she activated the projection and showed slides of the Gulf of Mexico and surrounding land. "Now then, yesterday we started talking about changes in the early 21st Century in the United States and I wanted to start today by talking about Cuba before it became the well-known '60th State.' Now, in 2019-"

"E-excuse me?" Molly said, her voice shaking as she raised one hand. "I can't fit in the desk."

"The desk? What do you mean?" Mrs. Greene said, turning her attention to Molly. "They're designed to accommodate all you pregnant students and they adjust from flat-stomached women like me all the way up. Even Angela fits. Just tap the panel until it gets big enough."

"I did," Molly said. "I''s at its limit." The classroom filled with soft laughter and chatter again while Mrs. Greene waved her hands to silence everyone.

"Here, just share off of mine," Rebecca said, scooting her desk over so Molly could reach over and access her tablet. "I wasn't going to take notes anyway."

"Thank you, Ms. Han," Mrs. Greene sighed. "Glad to see you aren't just here to disrupt my class." The teacher turned back to her lesson and Molly tried to focus, but she could tell the eyes of the other students were on her and her belly. All she had to do was turn her head and see rows of girls, one hand on their chins and one on their bellies as they stared at her. Molly wanted to curl up into a ball, but when she turned her head back toward Rebecca's desk and saw a creamy belly that could be measured in yards instead of feet, it was clear she was already halfway there.

"Two years?" Molly stammered as Rebecca inspected herself in her locker-mounted mirror, reapplying her lip gloss and tossing her hair a bit.

"Give or take a few months," Rebecca replied, smacking her lips to make sure she hadn't lathered on too much. She turned back to Molly, who was steadying herself against the wall of lockers. Passing students had to make a long trip around her belly in the hallway, keeping their eyes on her maternal size as they passed. "I'm not one of the unlucky few who gives birth early only to repeat the whole process. Don't you know about this stuff?"

"I got the brochure," Molly said weakly.

"Right, the brochure. 'Immaculate Conception Syndrome And You.' You'd think they could rework the title a little," Rebecca chuckled, rolling up her uniform's sweater vest and undoing her buttons. Molly watched as Rebecca rubbed some kind of cream onto her belly, which was already a beautiful, glowing almond color. 

If my skin looked like that, Molly thought to herself, then it wouldn't be as bad having it hang out naked all the time...maybe.

"My parents threw a fit when they read it. The science was so outdated," Rebecca smirked.  Rebecca laughed, breathing deeply as her hands passed over her curves. Molly didn't know that much about it, but she'd noticed people didn't want much to do with ICS women. There were even debates in her old school about whether the U.S. was treating all women equitably. Molly had wanted to join in, sensing plenty of injustice toward women, especially pregnant women, in her lifetime, but she always got too nervous by the time her hand was half-way raised.

Rebecca noticed Molly's eyes on her belly looking forlorn. She hesitated before speaking up, seeing girls walk up and down and snicker. But Molly's sad expression mixed with those big blue eyes and that little trail of freckles cut Rebecca too deep. "Something up?"

"I just...40 to 50 years of carrying this thing around?" Molly said, sinking her hands into both sides of her belly and giving it a jiggle. She let out a groan and tightened her grip after that, as a few bumps appeared on the otherwise smooth surface of her pregnant middle. "Oof, bad idea."

Rebecca stopped buttoning up her shirt, leaving her shining skin half-exposed as she put an arm around Molly's shoulder. "I know it can be scary at the start but it's really not that bad. We're dormmates, so I can show you a few tips. For example:" Rebecca held up her tiny jar of cream. "It's not just to keep your skin looking good. It makes the tightness go away. Though you might want to find an industrial size tub."

"Thanks," Molly sighed, giving Rebecca a little smile. Another chime echoed down the halls and other students started to hurry to their respective classrooms and Rebecca looked around for a safe moment. Reaching into her locker, Rebecca pulled out a small hair clip and moved Molly's hair around to keep it in place in a more flattering way.

"There," Rebecca said, shutting her locker. "Your hair is nice, only now people can tell. What do you have next, English?"

"That's right," Molly said, pushing herself off the wall of lockers, legs trembling as she tried to steady herself. Rebecca tightened her grip as she helped Molly move her arm over Rebecca's shoulder.

"Easy, you're not that good at waddling around yet. Even I took a while to get used to carrying twins full-term after they showed up in the middle of my cousin's wedding," Rebecca chuckled, moving with the super-pregnant student to her classroom.

"That's where yours hit?" Molly gasped in a tiny voice. "What...what was it like?"

"Ever been to an Italian wedding?" Rebecca smirked. "New drama crops up every five minutes or so. I wasn't gawked at for too long, thankfully."

With Rebecca's help, Molly managed to get into her English class, settling into her non-functional desk as Rebecca set hers up and moved over to give Molly a place to attach her tablet. All around her, other girls were moving their seats slightly to make up for the large amount of space Molly's womb took up.

A few minutes later, their English teacher, Ms. Tabitha, waddled in. Unlike faculty like Lara and Mrs. Greene, Ms. Tabitha deviated from the typical attire, going for a long skirt and a tight olive tank top instead. She had it pulled down far to cover her entire pregnant belly, and in doing so, only revealed her considerable cleavage more, not that her various necklaces didn't draw eyes in that general direction anyway. 

Ms. Tabitha let out a pleased gasp when she saw Molly, clasping her hands together. "Class, we are so fortunate to have a new member of our Anglicus Women's Academy family with us now: Ms. Molly O'Donnell."

The other students chuckled quietly as they turned to Molly. In her old school, Molly was totally invisible. Even when she had to give a speech or otherwise present in the front of the class, barely anyone even looked at her. She was finding the transition very difficult.

"You've been given assignments ahead of time, yes?" Ms. Tabitha asked. "A sonnet on anything related to pregnancy?"

"Y-yes, that's right," Molly said, getting out her own tablet. Any movement now required a great deal of effort on Molly's part and she groaned as she bent sideways to reach into her pocket. In the process, she knocked her own bag over and her notebook fell out and onto the floor, making a noticeable clap.

"Excellent, you wrote your poem out instead of just typing it into your tablet," Ms. Tabitha smiled brightly, placing one hand against her enormous swell. "Please, come up to the front of the room."

"No, Ms. Tabitha, this isn't my-"

"Molly, you're new, but I want all my students to call me by my first name, Ostana," the teacher smiled. "Now come on, get your notebook and come read your assignment."

Molly didn't see a way out. She picked up the notebook and waddled slowly to the front of the class, putting her hand on passing desks for support. She quickly flipped through her notebook, hoping she might have scribbled something useable in one of them.

The farm girl turned from her place next to the cow, eyes wide as the prince stood in the barn's doorway. "Your highness," the farm girl cooed, pressing her hand against her beating bosom. "I...I..."

"My fair maiden," the prince said, getting on one knee and stretching a hand out to her. "I know it was you who left me those letters. And now seeing you up-close, the warmth in my heart matches the flames of my desire."

The farm girl buried her face in the prince's chest. "Take me," she whispered, her lips brushing his neck. "In the pile of hay. Quickly, before my family knows you're here."

It didn't get any better than that as Molly flipped from page to page, her cheeks turning red. "Molly, don't be shy," Ostana beamed, waddling close to her massive pregnant student. "It looks like you've done lots of writing. Would it make you feel more at ease if I picked out one of your poems for y-"

"No!" Molly yelped, taking a wobbly step away from her teacher. "I, I've got it." Ostana nodded and moved back to her podium as Molly's mind raced and she tried to put together some lines on the spot, pretending to read from her notebook.

"T...they say we women create a new life
when our bellies get heavy and are tight.
But instead of waiting to be a wife,
I see I'm already huge. That's not right!

I'm not a mom yet but let's check the list:
My legs are sore, my back is like a fire.
Down below, there's swelling on my foot's wrist.
ICS? The symptoms are really quite dire."

The classroom chuckled a bit. Molly winced at how bad the last few rhymes were but at least she was hanging in there.

"But being pregnant is not always bad.
No matter what, I'll have this firm table.
I have something to cuddle when I'm sad.
Which is nice, even if I'm not stable.

For now...I'll feel kicks like a swarming hive
With no rest until I turn sixty-five."

The students laughed and clapped, Ostana most loudly of all. "Wonderful. Just wonderful," she smiled, ushering Molly back to her seat. "A little clunky, but for a new member of this class, that was very well done."

Molly lowered herself gently before falling back down into her seat with Rebecca leaning over to whisper to her. "Was the top of your head?"

"Shh," Molly murmured back before pausing. "Was it that obvious?"

"Kinda," Rebecca chuckled. "But damn, even I've never had the guts to not do homework until the exact moment it's due. I should try that..."

"We can talk about some themes in Molly's poem, but also notice how she deviated from standard poetry writing, like you saw in our textbook, 'Verses of Fertility,'" Ostana said, her tablet projecting a holographic image of the book.

Molly leaned over to Rebecca again. "Are all of her assignments about-"

"Yep," Rebecca replied, nodding slightly. "Hope you like writing and reading about pregnancy."

When class ended, Molly and Rebecca were working their way back down the hallway, Molly still needing a considerable amount of support from her student morale helper. "Now it's time for the wildest time of the day at Anglicus Women's Academy," Rebecca sighed. "Lunch."

"Lunch," Molly sighed. "B-between you and me, I'm glad my stomach hasn't been making any n-" A loud gurgle, amplified by the size of her belly, came at the worst possible time. "Never mind."

"It's fine," Rebecca smiled. "We're pregnant. We get hungry. It's normal." The sound of commotion ahead of them made Rebecca's smile fade. "Oh no."

"What?" Molly asked, turning to Rebecca, and in doing so, missing the moment when it happened: the first belly rub that triggered the eventual avalanche.

"Oh my gaaaaaaawd!" the fellow pregnant student squealed as she placed her hand on Molly's belly, her other hand covering her mouth in shock. She was roughly the same height as both of them, her belly larger than Rebecca's by a few handfuls of inches. Her lightly tanned skin had a golden glow to it and her short hair was a rich brown color that matched her eyes. "I heard you were super-pregnant but seeing you with my own!"

"Vicky," Rebecca said. "Come on, be a little more courteous."

"Sorry, sorry," Vicky said, her eyes still huge as she drank up the sight before her, moving her hand all around the front of Molly's belly. "I'm just so mad I didn't hear about you until now."

"It's...okay I guess," Molly gulped, barely able to see the top curve of Vicky's belly with her own maternal girth in the way. When she was back home and sporting her enormous belly, people rubbed her belly all the time. She still wasn't comfortable with getting her swollen womb stroked, but she figured it was better to have a fellow pregnant woman do the rubbing. Besides, she wasn't going to muster the courage to tell this girl to stop anyway. "I'm Molly O'Donnell."

"Vicky Hichando," Vicky said, looking up briefly at Molly's face. "Oh my god, and you're so cute too! You look like you can barely handle being soooo pregnant!"

"Don't remind me," Molly laughed nervously. Now that she stopped to interact with Vicky, the weight of her pregnancy was all the more noticeable.

"I thought I was big with triplets, but wow..." Vicky said. "How many are you carrying?"

"Vicky!" Rebecca gasped again. "Seriously?"

"16," Molly said. "S-so I'm like two octomoms."

"Octo-mom?" Rebecca said, raising an eyebrow.

"I dunno, my grandma made that joke when we told her," Molly shrugged. "Some celebrity pregnant woman from back when she was our age who was carrying octuplets."

"16?" another student with dyed pink hair asked, cozying up near Molly. "That's wild! I feel heavy with twins so I can't imagine what you must be going through. Can I feel?"

"I-I guess s-"

"I thought they were exaggerating!" another student with dark skin and long silky hair smiled, getting close to Molly and placing her hand on the opposite side. "But I can feel so much movement in here. What's it feel like?"

"Feel like?" Molly gulped. "Wait, you thought who exaggerated?"

"People are chatting about your poem and how you extemp'd it," Vicky said, groaning as other pregnant students elbowed past her to feel Molly's belly. "Guess I've got to get my own place now." She knelt down and placed her hand against the front, her fingers brushing Molly's belly button.

Molly let out a little coo and her cheeks got red. "E-easy down there."

"I told you!" another student yelled with a laugh as she snuck in, placing her palm against the smooth sides of Molly's stomach. "She's the most fecund girl I've ever seen!"

"They said it was only the 8th largest ever," Molly said, receiving a large "aww" in reply.

Rebecca shook her head. "Looks like Vicky opened the floodgates. Now everyone will want a feel." Rebecca paused but then shook her head and kept walking, taking Molly with her. "Never mind."

"What?" Molly asked.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about...I'll wait until you're back at the dorm. For now, I'm not the only hungry pregnant girl in this hall. Let's go."

As the parade of bellies and stroking went down the hall and toward the cafeteria, one student was conspicuously staying away, glaring at the whole spectacle and especially Molly herself. The tall blond girl with a belly rivaled only by Molly's crossed her arms against her breasts and tapped her foot angrily.

"What the hell is this?" Angela Ladou snarled to herself, turning and strutting away from the crowd as she rested one hand on her belly, rubbing it as she thought.

In the school's dining hall, Molly struggled to make it to the nearest empty table, bending over and putting both arms on the surface to catch her breath when she finally made it. "Thank you for all your help," Molly said, turning to Rebecca.

"Just doing my job," Rebecca sighed, putting her hands on her hips. "But seriously, 16 babies? You need a full-term staff or something."

"I can't expect you to always be there to walk me around. I'll get better on my own," Molly said. Her mother didn't instill many values in her, but Molly got the impression early on that women need to do their best to be self-suficient and not rely on others too much. 

"I don't mind," Rebecca said, before clearing her throat. "I mean, it's getting me out of my usual classes." Molly nodded and groaned as she felt another twinge of cravings-related hunger. The line to the cafeteria's buffet was split into several different rows of pregnant students sighing and stroking their swollen stomachs under their sweater vests and shirts.

"I know that look," Vicky grinned as she prowled around Molly. "If I get you your lunch and bring it here, will you chat with me? I have so many questions."

Molly gulped, resting a shy hand against her belly. Between her hunger and the line, how could she turn down the offer? "Deal," Molly nodded.

"I'll be right back to help keep her in line," Rebecca said, patting Molly on the shoulder as the two girls waddled over to the buffet. Molly eased herself down to the seat, immediately seeing she wouldn't be able to fit her monstrous belly under the table. It looked like she was gestating another pregnant student in there. Molly sighed and turned so her belly faced out and gave her some room. As soon as she turned another student walked right into her stomach and spilled her tray of food on the floor, getting plenty of splotches on Molly's round, smooth skin.

"Look where you're going," the student, a tall black girl with a belly as big as Vicky's, snapped, tossing her long braids over her shoulder. The room got quiet as everyone turned to face the two.

"I-I'm sorry," Molly said, holding her hands close to her chest. "I'm not used to having all of this." She put her hands around her belly to punctuate what "all of this" meant.

"Maybe you need some practice," the student said with a grin, bending down to look Molly directly in the eyes. "I have a bit of pull around here. Your next gym class could focus on running laps. Lots of 'em. I think the rest of the student body would like that."

Molly didn't understand what was going on. "Please, I'll be careful. I really didn't mean to do anything." She stretched one hand out and forced a smile. "I'm Molly O'Donnell.

"Molly!" Rebecca said as she hurried over, stopping as the tall student flashed her a look. "Molly, just...c'mon Marjorie, she didn't mean anything."

"What's going on?" a new voice said. Everyone froze as Angela, the tall, blond, and very pregnant student, strolled through the cafeteria, stopping in front of Molly. "First day and you're already causing trouble?"

"Rebecca, what's going on?" Molly asked, turning to the closest thing she had to a friend.

"Rebecca won't do anything silly," Angela said, turning her icy eyes to the other two women involved in the altercation. "After all, Marjorie is Rebecca's boss. You tripped the head of the student morale committee."

"I'm sorry," Molly squeaked again. Angela got close to Molly, their bellies touching as Angela leaned in, her lips nearly making contact with Molly's ear.

"You've got a lot to learn," Angela whispered, standing up straight again and placing one hand on the front of her massive belly. "Come on Marjorie, I brought enough of my own personally prepared food. You'll enjoy it more than the swill they feed us at this school anyway."

Anglea and Marjorie left to go to another table on the other side of the dining hall as everyone went back to talking and waddling around, just as Vicky sat down at the table and handed Rebecca a tray and placed Molly's on her belly. "I can't believe I missed that too! My luck is awful today."

Molly was trembling too much to speak so Rebecca filled her in. "That's Angela Ladou. She's kind of the school's hot shot. Rich, pretty, talented, smart, and before you got here, she was the most pregnant student of any grade with 6 fetuses."

"And her main clique is all of the school's top ladies," Vicky said. "Marjorie Adams is president of the morale committee, then there's Charli Yamadoro from the school paper, and Nina Goldburg is the captain of several different sports teams."

"Of course, Angela runs it all from behind the scenes," Rebecca sighed, picking at her food with a fork. "Vicky, why'd you get my food too?"

"Your hands were full," Vicky said, her smile growing. "Aaand I might need some more room in the next newsletter for makeup tips."

"Fine, I'll do it," Rebecca said, rolling her eyes as she shoveled the school's curry into her mouth.

"And I was thinking about doing a bikini issue and was looking for some new faces," Vicky smiled, raising her eyebrows up and down.

"Sure, sure," Rebecca said, turning to Molly. The massive redhead was still a little frozen and Rebecca patted her on the back again. "Molly, don't worry. I doubt Angela is going to pick on you too much more."

"I dunno about that," Vicky said with a mouth full of food. "You're really stealing her spotlight. I mean, look at you! You're irresistible!"

Molly's blush only grew brighter. "So what, the bigger the belly, the more popular you are?"

"It helps," Rebecca nodded. "That's why I'm glad I've only got twins. I can stay out of the limelight. No one asks me to do much and that's the way I like it."

"So, Molly!" Vicky smiled, leaning in toward the sexdectuplet-carrying student, "A deal's a deal. I'm going to ask you a few questions for an exclusive profile, okay?"

"Profile?" Molly said, finally calming down enough to start eating. "You work for the school paper?"

"Vicky has her own underground newsletter," Rebecca smiled, taking a sip from her cup. "But it's more like a gossip rag."

"Shush," Vicky said, waving her hand at Molly. "First thing's first: when and where did it happen?"

Molly knew "It" could only mean one thing. "About a week ago," she blushed. "I was actually in class at my old school in Portland. Just...poof, my stomach swelled and pushed the desks in front of me away. My shirt tore, my pants unzipped, bra snapped. I could barely waddle to the nurse's office with help from a few teachers and I couldn't keep my pants up."

"Uh huh, uh huh," Vicky said, typing on her tablet. "And your parents: any history of ICS with them?"

"Nope," Molly said, shaking her head. "I'm an only child too, so I never had much experience around pregnancy anyway."

"Believe me, it doesn't help much," Vicky smiled. "My mom had ICS and her sisters made up for lost time by having a bunch of kids. By the time I was born, I was surrounded by plenty of pregnant cousins."

Molly looked back down at her belly, tracing a curve until she felt where a small flurry of kicks were coming from. The pamphlets she got said the chances of a child born to a mother with ICS were about 1-in-5. If she was pregnant with 16 babies, how many of them would spontaneously sprout a swollen tummy when they got to be her age? A bead of sweat went down her neck as Molly went even paler than usual.

"Did you ever want to be a mother or be pregnant before?" Vicky continued, looking back up at Molly.

"Oh no," Molly said, shaking her head so hard her ginger hair flapped back and forth. "Never. In fact, I'd even have nightmares about ICS when I was a little girl and first learned about it."

"Looks like you're making friends," Lana smiled as she walked up to Molly. "And Ms. Tabitha can't stop gushing about you. First day going okay so far?"

Molly, Rebecca, and Vicky looked away for a moment, not wanting to bring up the altercation with Angela. "Y-yes, everything is great," Molly smiled, nodding at her councilor. "This school is so much nicer than where I used to go."

"We're very lucky to have so many generous alumni," Lana chuckled. "And I apologize for the issue with the desks. We'll make sure to have them recalibrated to accomodate you." Lana turned her attention to Rebecca and Vicky and narrowed her eyes. "And since you'll both be living in her dorm, I hope you make her feel at home."

"Yeah, yeah," Rebecca sighed, finishing off her tray. "A morale officer's job is never done, right?"

"Right," Lana replied, giving Rebecca a pat on the back before leaving to join the other faculty at their table.

"You're living with us?" Vicky grinned, leaning forward, her belly pressing against the table. "Then we can continue this any old time. Time for some personal questions."

"O-oh, I don't know about that," Molly said in a small voice, resting both hands on her belly as she curled her shoulders up.

"Just between us girls," Vicky whispered, "anyone special you're leaving behind in Portland?"

Molly curled up more and more, no longer looking at Vicky. "N-no, of course not...and it's not like anyone would like me any better now."

"Don't be so sure," Vicky cackled. Molly snapped her head back up, face as red as her hair.

"W-what do you mean?" Molly asked as the chimes started up again.

"Time to go," Rebecca said, pushing herself from the table, putting one arm under her belly as she moved herself off her seat. Molly struggled to get up and Rebecca and Vicky's eyes met. "Here...let me help."

"And I'll take your tray," Vicky said. "After all, you've been so cooperative so far."

"Thanks," Molly mumbled, trying to swing her hips as she waddled forward, still relying heavily on Rebecca for support. As she tried to make her way out of the cafeteria, other students kept passing her by, wiping bits of spilled food off of her bare stomach.

"Missed some," they smiled, sliding their fingers into their mouths and licking them clean. Molly bit her lip, preferring to stay silent than ask Rebecca and risk bringing even more attention to herself.

Now, thankfully at the end of the school day, was the class Molly was looking forward to the least: Phys. Ed. The entire locker room was trying not to gossip too loudly as Molly struggled to change into shorts and a t-shirt.

"Here, let me help," another student with long blue hair grinned as she waddled over to Molly, her own shirt pulled down tightly over her entire pregnant gut, her inverted navel visible beneath the fabric.

"Everyone just back off," Rebecca said, waving her hand away while Molly had her back to the eager and growing crowd, slowly unbuttoning the parts of her school uniform she managed to button closed in the first place. "You act like you've never seen a pregnant woman before."

The students grumbled and went back to their lockers or out to the gym, most of them already changing. Molly removed her shirt and crossed her arms to cover her breasts in the plain bra she kept them in. "I-I do need a little help getting changed, actually."

"I've got you covered," Rebecca nodded, slowly lowering herself to her knees to get Molly's athletic shorts around her ankles. After moving them up some, Molly could reach far enough to pull them up the rest of the way. Between the mandatory long skirts and socks, little of the students' legs at Anglicus Women's Academy were shown off, but now all of Molly and Rebecca's thighs were visible and Molly couldn't help but notice how much better Rebecca's skin looked than her own.

I'm just a big pale blob, Molly sighed, looking down at herself. Like her uniform, Molly's gym t-shirt ended more or less where her belly began. It was essentially only functional as a bra on Molly and she was glad the "growth spurt" didn't leave her too bosomy or else this tight shirt would look far too lewd for her tastes.

Rebecca helped Molly waddle out to the rest of the gym, where her classmates were standing around chatting. A stout, muscular man with closely-shaved brown hair looked over a clipboard as the time for class began. "Okay, good afternoon ladies. As you may know, your usual instructor Coach Singh is out on maternity leave." A small number of chuckles bubbled up from the gathered students. "Yes, yes, I know, very funny, very ironic. For those of you who don't know me, I'm Coach Phillips and I work with the various club sports on campus so don't think you're getting a pass as long as Coach Singh is gone. But for now," he said, clapping his hands together. "Let's warm up with some jogging. Five laps, around the gym."

As the swarm of big-bellied students headed off, Rebecca helped Molly waddle over to the temporary teacher. "Coach Phillips? I know I'm not usually in this class, but I'm assigned to this transfer student today and as you can see, she-"

"Han? God damn it," Phillips groaned, crossing his arms. "You're the student who kept cutting off when you had to do cross country running to hide and take a nap."

"That's...true," Rebecca said, trying to stick her lip out and look innocent. "But we're not talking about me, we're talking about poor Molly here. She just got ICS and the burden's a bit heavier on her, as you can see."

Phillips rolled his eyes again. "I don't know what kind of scheme you're pulling this time, but I'm not falling for it. Besides, no one gets this bi...this 'fecund.'" He prodded his index finger into Molly's stomach.

Molly let out a small whine and felt her knees getting even weaker. "N-no, it's real."

"Damn," the coach sighed, running one hand through his hair. " might need a different program then. Do you have a school issued swim suit?" Molly shook her head. "Bring one tomorrow. For now, go to the training room and get on the treadmill. 4.5 miles per hour, taking a two-minute break every twenty minutes, got it?"

"I'll show her the way," Rebecca said, putting her arm around Molly before Phillips put his hand on her shoulder.

"Oh no, she'll be fine on her own. There's always someone in there," Phillips said. "But as for you...I think you need a little extra physical education, Han. Laps, now."

As Rebecca groaned and hurried to join the other students, their bellies bouncing around as they jogged, Phillips lead Molly back to the locker room, her arm around him for support.

"W-wow, that's heavy alright," he grunted. "You haven't been pregnant for long, have you?" Molly weakly shook her head, embarrassed to have someone else supporting her, let alone a man. "You'll get used to it. I'm no doctor, but I've taught some health classes here and I understand the Immaculate Conception Syndrome stuff pretty well. The gene mutation, in addition know...also strengthens your muscles, bones, organs, et cetera to be stronger than before. And they say mental aptitude goes up some too, but I don't know about that."

Molly just quietly nodded again before Phillips let her back into the locker room. "Well, there's probably a few students in there from the various club sports, so they can help you with the rest. Remember: take a break every 20 minutes. Training girls in your condition is my job so I know what I'm talking about."

"My condition?" Molly said, raising an eyebrow.

"Well...maybe not your exact condition," Phillips said, turning back to the gym floor and jogging along with the students, giving them small words of advice or encouragement.

Molly held onto the walls of the locker room, making her way back to the exit when a familiar face blocked her way. "O-oh...hi."

"Hello," Angela said, looking at herself in the mirror as she tied her long blond hair into a ponytail. "They're letting you cut gym? You're getting a lot of preferential treatment today." Angela had on a white tank top that covered most of her belly (some underbelly was exposed, not that Molly could see it when her own swollen womb in the way) and a white skirt slightly shorter than her usual uniform.

"No, I've been given a special assignment in the training room," Molly said, trying to maneuver past Angela's sextuplet stomach. "Where are you going?"

"Tennis," Angela said, getting her hair the way she wants before turning to face Molly, the fronts of their bellies touching.

"You can play tennis like that?" Molly said, her face showing how shocked she was.

Angela's face tightened in disgust as she put both hands on her hips. "Yes, not all pregnant women are frail little things like you." Angela glided past Molly, stopping when they stood next to one another, shoulder to shoulder. "If you don't think you can handle the burden, then try to make yourself less showy, O'Donnell."

"I-I'll try," Molly said as Angela passed her. Molly stopped and turned around to talk to Angela one last time. "And tell Marjorie I'm sorry. I don't want her to take it out on Rebecca."

"No, you wouldn't," Angela scoffed. "Rebecca wants to be head of student morale, but if you keep slowing her down, she'll either have to give up on getting the position or carting your fat ass around." Angela huffed and left for the gym, leaving Molly frozen in the locker room. She turned and saw her reflection in the mirror: trembling, awkward, and swollen.

"Hi there," another student with curly black hair and a belly even bigger than Vicky's said, smiling and putting one hand on Molly's belly. "You look a little lost, baby bird."

"I-I need to find the training room," Molly stammered, blushing as the girl rubbed her curves. She thought having other pregnant women touch her belly would be okay compared to all the other people she encountered before transferring, but she was quickly feeling just as uncomfortable with fellow ICS women stroking her. Of course, she was far too timid to turn them down, even if they rubbed without permission. But this girl made her feel the worst of any other Anglicus student when she touched Molly's stomach. "Can you-"

"I think I might know where that is," the student laughed, putting one arm around Molly's torso and leaving the other one on her belly. "And you're...Molly, right?"

"Right," Molly nodded as the other student led her out of the locker room and down the hallway. "You've heard of me, huh?"

"Who hasn't by now?" she grinned. "Though I know a friend of mine who'd like to know you a lot better: Charli Yamadoro."

The editor of the school paper. Molly gulped. "Let me're Nina?"

"The one and only," Nina laughed loudly, opening the door to a large weight room on their left. "And here we are. Hopefully you'll remember to help out those who help you."

"What do you mean?" Molly said, steadying herself on the wall.

"Oh, you know: Quid pro quo. Someone does something for you, you do the same in return," Nina said, looking at her fingernails. "And someone like me or Charli or Marjorie or Angela could do a lot for you if you ever feel like helping us out." She turned her eyes back to Molly and chuckled. "It's the essential lesson of pregnancy, isn't it? We carry these brats around inside us, and in return, they help us out in old age. Or that's how it's supposed to go." Nina brushed her hand against Molly's cheek, gently stroking her freckles. "Have a good time in the training room, Molly."

"T-thanks," Molly said, waddling into the weight room as Nina kept her eyes on the struggling redhead.

Just as Molly feared, the training room was filled with a sizable number of students, all doing exercises a pregnant woman could still do. Half of the room seemed devoted to yoga and other similar calisthenics. Girls were bent backwards over large rubber balls (still not as large as Molly's own belly, she couldn't help but notice) or on the floor in various yogic poses or squats. The other weight training machines were being used by students with large, swollen stomachs as they lifted hand weights or worked on specific muscles like chest presses. 

Molly made her way to the treadmill, whimpering quietly as she tried to make her way on her own. Once on, Molly steadied herself on the handrails and punched in the appropriate details given to her by Coach Phillips. Thankfully, advances in treadmill technology to make the experience more natural also ended up giving runners more room, especially if they had massive bellies storing 16 full-term fetuses. The front of the machine allowed for a dock to plug in a tablet, so Molly propped up her device and put on a nature documentary. Watching animals strut or swim or fly around in their natural environment was always soothing to Molly, plus they were almost always incredibly cute.

While having the distraction of the documentary was nice, Molly couldn't help noticing what was going on in the training room. All eyes were on her and Molly felt her belly and bust wobbling around with each strained step. And as she began to sweat, the globe-like swell of her belly glistened and shimmered.

At her twenty-minute break, one of the girls in the room approached her, handing Molly a water bottle. "Thanks," Molly said, taking the bottle and gulping it down.

"You're welcome," the student, a short black student with her hair shaved into a small mohawk, said. "Training to try out for the volleyball team?"

Molly laughed nervously. "No, just trying to get used to moving around with this thing," she sighed, patting her belly.

"May I feel?" the student asked. Molly nodded, begrudgingly used to other girls at Anglicus touching by now. And at least she asked Molly first. "I'm Jackie, by the way."

"Molly," she said. "But, let me guess, you already knew that."

"Maybe," Jackie grinned. "But hey...there's a get-together at the Wells dorm this weekend. The volleyball club is putting it on but it's not just open to other athletes."

"Are you...inviting me?" Molly said, looking at Jackie with shock as the treadmill began to beep, letting Molly know the two-minute break was ending.

"Sure," Jackie grinned, patting Molly's belly before leaving. "I'll send you the details."

Molly couldn't even focus on her tablet's ocean documentary as her brain was racing. She was never invited to any parties at her old high school...or middle school...or elementary school...Molly couldn't even remember being invited to a playdate as a toddler.

At her next break after the 20 min. mark, a tall muscular Latina student with a pixie cut dyed red approached Molly, handing her another water bottle, which Molly definitely needed. Her pale skin was now bright red and her long hair was a sweaty mess.

"It gets easier," the student said, running her hands across her own belly. By now, Molly was pretty good about judging fecundity and pegged this girl for a twinner. "But exercise like what you're doing helps."

"I hope so," Molly wheezed, gulping down her water.

"I'm Alina," she smiled. "And I heard about your little poem earlier today."

"Yeah?" Molly said, a little smile on her lips. "You know, to be honest, that was totally-"

"You wouldn't know since you're a transfer student, but there's a talent show next week," Alina said. "I'm in charge of the stage side of things but I thought I'd extend a hand to you. I'm sure everyone would love to hear you recite a poem there."

"G-gosh, I don't know," Molly stammered. She was shy enough as it is, but reading a poem? In front of the entire school? While her mammoth pregnant belly stuck out?

"Think about it," Alina grinned. "And try moving your hips to distribute your womb weight. Makes things a lot easier."

"And here we are," Rebecca said, letting go of Molly as she waddled and collapsed into her California king mattress bed. "Tired?"

"A little," Molly groaned, her legs and hips still sore and burning. And following her Phys. Ed. class, Molly had to chat with Lara again to make sure everything was going well while sitting in a chair that, while designed for pregnant women, did not have Molly in mind. Molly thought things were looking up when, after school, Anglicus sent a new bus with a larger door in the back to accommodate her humungous stomach, but she still had to stand and hold onto the bus's railings, since none of the seats themselves could actually fit her. 

"I don't blame you," Rebecca nodded, pressing her hands into her back, jutting her belly out further. "That was more exercise than I've done in a long time. Phillips, whoever he is, really had it out for me."

"I guess I got you caught, huh?" Molly said quietly, pushing her hands into her bed to try and angle her heavy body up some, turning her big blue eyes to her first new friend of her pregnant life. "Sorry."

"No, no, c'mon Molly," Rebecca said, shaking her head. "I got myself caught by skipping out on gym stuff. And don't apologize so much. It's cute sometimes, but you've got to stand up for yourself a little."

"And now you're going to be one of the most buzzed-about ICS women in the world," Vicky said, waddling into Molly's room. She'd already changed out of her uniform into a thin pink tanktop and stretchy pajama pants with cartoon whales all over them. Combined with the size of her triplet-filled belly, Molly and anyone else could see plenty of Vicky's smooth, toasty skin as well as her dimpled belly button. "You've got to give the rest of us a good reputation."

Rebecca switched off with Vicky and headed to her own room as the nosy pregnant student crawled onto Molly's bed. "I'll try harder," Molly said. "T-though I'm not looking forward to being 'buzzed-about.'"

"Aww," Vicky smiled, pausing for a moment before placing one hand on Molly's belly and taking out her tablet. "Now then, let's continue our little interview so everyone in the school can read about you."

"But I just said-"

"Where did we leave off?" Vicky hummed, rubbing Molly's belly like it would help her think. "Ah yes, here we go. Hobbies?"

"Hobbies, okay," Molly nodded, curling up in bed and slipping off her school uniform shoes. "I like to read, I guess. It's what I spend most of my time doing when I'm alone."

"What kind of reading?" Vicky said, her eyes meeting Molly's.

"Oh, anything. I like old classic writers like Jane Austen and Stephen King but there are plenty of newer people I enjoy. And I love poetry too."

"I heard," Vicky chuckled. "And you write some on your own too?"

Molly gave a little smile, her pink lips curling. "A little."

"Can I see another one of your poems?" Vicky asked, reaching for Molly's notebook. 

"NO!" Molly yelled floundering as she toppled over to grab her book, holding it tight to her breast. It was the loudest she'd least since her belly first ballooned up. Molly's frantic eyes looked back to Vicky, who now had both hands clutching her tablet as she stared at Molly in shock. "I mean...I might be reading some of them at the talent show, so I'd hate to spoil things."

"The talent show?" Rebecca said, waddling back into Molly's room. She was still toweling off her long black hair while she had the rest of her body covered in a large dark robe. Of course, most of her belly was exposed in the process, but Rebecca didn't seem to mind. "Molly, that's a big step."

"You...had a shower?" Molly asked, trying to figure out in her head how long Rebecca was gone.

"Sure, all the dorms are equipped with a turbo-wash," Rebecca said. "Don't you have one?"

"No, family didn't have much money," Molly said, blushing gently. "We just had pipes and a showerhead."

"Interesting," Vicky said, tapping her tablet a few times.

"Vicky..." Rebecca groaned, waddling over and putting her arm around her gossipy friend. "I think we'd better give Molly some privacy and let her change, huh?"

This was easier said than done. Molly hadn't exactly unpacked yet, not that changing in her dorm room was any harder or easier than it had been at home. She first had to struggle to get out of her uniform, even if the top was already halfway undone thanks to her colossal belly. And her body was still sore from the treadmill, which complicated things. In the end, Molly got on a pair of gray sweatpants and a soft, pink t-shirt with a picture of a cat on it. It covered even less of her than the uniform, but at least it was more comfortable.

Molly took the time alone to get through her homework. She still had a little catching up to do and hurried to get it done. In a way, having ICS was a boon to Molly and her family. Anglicus Women's Academy wasn't only a school designed for students with the mutation, but it was a high-calibre private school where graduates exceeded. And it was free, which was another big deal for the O'Donnells. But if Molly couldn't keep up with her grades, things wouldn't stay as rosy. 

The big-bellied girl must have shifted into one position for each fetus she carried as she tried to get through her homework. A week in, Molly was still not quite "used" to being pregnant. But getting her work done was easier with the tablet the school paid for.

There was a knock at the door and Rebecca's belly peeked in, followed by the rest of Rebecca. She walked in, holding a large plate of food and a glass of juice. "Dinner?"

"Already?" Molly said, looking at Rebecca upside-down. She was currently trying to lie on her back with her head hanging off the edge of the bed. It was a position with moderate success.

"You've been working for hours," Rebecca smiled. "I guess you've been pretty absorbed." Rebecca tapped the bottom of the plate and a small metal table sprouted out so she could set it up near Molly.

"Guess so," Molly huffed as she took a deep breath and repositioned herself to sit upright. "Ugh, it's so hard to do anything with this thing," she said, resting one hand on her belly. "It feels like this isn't even by body anymore."

"I'd say I know how you feel, but I think it's more extreme in your case," Rebecca said, moving the plate and table to a position Molly could more easily access. "Here we go, compliments of the robot chef."

"Thanks," Molly said, picking up the fork resting on top of her meal. "But seriously...walking, sitting, sleeping. All these simple things are impossible now."

"Do you have a pregnancy pillow for sleep?" Rebecca asked. Molly shook her head. As Molly started eating, Rebecca waddled out of the room and came back holding a large, body-length pillow with a very well-endowed anime woman printed on it.

"A pillow like this gives your belly some support and makes it easier to sleep," Rebecca said. "My cousin lives in Hong Kong and when I first got knocked up, he sent me a few of these body pillows to help out. This is Kimiko-tan." Rebecca handed the pillow to Molly, whose blush got stronger and stronger as the pillow got closer to her.

"Is this really..." Molly touched a cautious finger against the breasts. "Oh god, they're soft," she whimpered.

"My cousin has very discerning taste," Rebecca said. "Anyway, I hope she helps you sleep better."

"Thank you," Molly said. "Really, for everything. You've been such a good friend."

"It's my job," Rebecca shrugged. "And hey, now that the day's over...would it be okay if I felt your belly?"

Molly looked a little surprised, but then smiled. "Rebecca, you're the only person I'd feel totally comfortable touching my big bump." Rebecca smiled and placed her hand on Molly's belly, stroking it in small circles.

"Getting unsolicited belly rubs is no fun," Rebecca nodded. "Sorry about Vicky."

" okay too," Molly said, looking down at Rebecca's almond hands tracing her pale curves. "She just startles me sometimes."

"Try being more assertive, maybe," Rebecca shrugged, giving Molly's belly one last pat before getting up and heading out of her room.

"Wait!" Molly said, before Rebecca could leave. " it true you want to be the head of the school's morale committee?"

"Sure is," Rebecca said, puffing out her chest in pride. "Most amount of visibility for the least amount of work. If I get it, my senior year will be so much fun." She laughed and closed the door. "Goodnight, Molly."

"Goodnight," Molly said quietly, eating the rest of her meal with one hand while reading textbook excerpts on her tablet in the other. She found herself yawning more and more, so when she finished eating, Molly crawled to the front of her bed and sat upright, flipping through her notebook and trying to do some writing before she slept.

The princess waved from her carriage at the handsome young blacksmith's apprentice. "It's you, isn't it?" she laughed gayly, calling out of the window. "Driver, stop!"

"I don't think so, Princess Mollinda," the apprentice said in a dower voice, turning away.

"Please, I am not angry that you snuck into the ball," the princess said, getting out of the carriage and making her way to him. "I had a lovely time."

The apprentice smiled and approached the princess, her belly keeping him away. His eyes rested on her swollen pregnance and he...he...

Molly threw her notebook down onto the floor. She couldn't make the character in her erotica pregnant. Molly thought it might help her find a way to feel better about her condition, but it was no use. She felt as far from attractive as one could be. Instead of thinking about this anymore, Molly dove under her covers and pulled Kimiko-tan close, putting the pillow under her belly and rubbing her maternal curves as she felt kicks and squirms.

"Shh, shh," she cooed. "Come on, today wasn't so bad, was it?" No, out of all of the days of being pregnant, Molly had to admit that this was easily the best one so far. As she closed her bright blue eyes and settled to sleep, she tried to dream of days that would be better, and to her surprise, they all involved her having a big belly.

A very special school gets an extra-special new student.

This story was done in collaboration with the one and only SaburoX (… ) who also did art to go along with the text. You can find the full-size version of the accompanying illustration on his page.

Pt. 1: You are here.
Pt. 2:…
Pt. 3:…
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SADmyman's avatar

I gotta find this school NOW